Rhythmic - good for polyphonic material such as keyboard parts, rhythm guitar, and Apple Loops, stretches material so no gaps are left between the slices.This can be used to create a gated effect. Slick Length shortens slices by a percentage.Fill gaps turns the decay function on or off.Resultant gaps can be filled using the decay function. Start times are affected but the audio that follows is left unaffected.
The same flex mode may be assigned to all tracks by holding Shift while opening the Flex Mode pop-up menu in the arrange track list and choosing a mode, or by doing the same in the Inspector's Track Parameter box. Regions and take folders may be excluded by selecting them and deselecting the Flex checkbox in the Inspector's Region Parameter box. The selected mode will be assigned to all regions and takes across the track. Flex mode settings determine how the audio will be affected, using either a compression or expansion algorithm, or by speeding up or slowing down the material.Īssign a track's flex mode by clicking the Flex Mode button in the arrange track list or by doing the same in the Track Parameter box.